Key points
- Collaboration is crucial for selecting the right standards.
- Standards should meet industrial needs and align with the industry’s future.
- Invest in standards-based solutions and communicate to vendors the importance of standards.
- Cross-industry adoption is key to the success of standards.
Collaboration, investment, and cross-industry adoption: A guide to selecting and promoting effective process and data management standards
Standards, standards, standards – we all want it but how to select them? There are so many!!! (In fact too many!) Aerospace & Defence has always been leading in advanced data management with PLM, MBSE, CM, etc., and in many ways they still are. They have now come up with a recommended list of process and data management standards for their industry. Copy it – use it! And if you are in manufacturing, automotive, AEC, Process Plant, Medtech or similar you too should have a look. Most of it is also for you!
At our PLM Roadmap™ and PDT conference Nov 16-17, the below slide was presented by Boeing and Airbus. I noticed that there were no complaints about too many standards but rather a statement where we need several and that they need to go together in a federated standards system.
To end-user companies – you have to power in your hands – start to outline a strategy on how to move away from vendor lock-in with the help of this list. Not all vendors are in favour of locking in customers – we are not.
What is the criteria to recommend a process or data management standard and how was the list created?
It’s logic and basic – as most things with process or data management standards should be. A standard should meet industrial needs and align with the future of an industry and where major stakeholders believe things are heading. Heading, not where things are today.
SW vendors should (be told to) sign up to include standards in their offerings but probably they need to be pushed, regardless of what they are saying in their marketing statements. To end-user companies – you have to power in your hands – start to outline a strategy on how to move away from vendor lock-in with the help of this list. To end-user companies – demonstrate you are serious about standards – invest in standards-based solutions to demonstrate to your vendors you have made up your mind to control your destiny. Money talks.
Use it internally and in your supply chain. Spread the message you have decided to do it. Connect your standards and quality people to Line of Business – stop looking at each other as strangers and instead learn and move forward together.
Adopt broadly and tell also other industries standards work. Work and promote cross-industries – your SW and solution vendors need to understand that you as an industrial end-user want to look outside the box (silo). And secure wide adoption of the most important standards. See the list above.
Look at the slide below, digest and decide to do something about your situation. Yes, it is up to you! Industrial end-users – Make 2022 the year you take action and speak up! You have the money, use them to protect your long term interest.
At our PLM Roadmap and PDT conference Nov 16-17, the below slide was presented by Boeing and Airbus. The work presented is from the A&D PLM Action Group hosted by CIMdata.
Executive summary
The process of selecting standards for advanced process and data management entails collaboration among industry experts and major stakeholders to identify standards that meet industrial needs while also aligning with the industry’s future. To avoid vendor lock-in, organizations must invest in standards-based solutions and communicate the importance of standards to their vendors. The adoption of standards across industries is also critical to their success. To summarize, effective process and data management standard selection and promotion require collaboration, industry alignment, investment in standards-based solutions, and cross-industry adoption.