Eurostep Group, a leading provider of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) collaboration solutions, is proud to announce that ShareAspace is being used as the foundation of Property PLM. Property PLM is a collaborative platform for real estate projects, addressing the whole life cycle from planning, design, procurement and construction to asset management. Property PLM is designed to sort data based on individual objects and manage a linked life cycle when uploading the entire BIM model created in any BIM software.
ShareAspace is a powerful engine that has been designed to provide a single source of truth for complex data sharing and collaboration. It is a PLM platform that has been specifically built to enable collaboration between different engineering disciplines and organizations throughout the product lifecycle.
By using ShareAspace as the foundation of Property PLM, the platform can offer unrivalled object-oriented data management and collaboration capabilities. This allows for verified data to be brought into all processes, ensuring that Property PLM is an excellent tool starting from planning through design, procurement, and construction phases.
“We are thrilled to see Property PLM using ShareAspace as its foundation,” said Sylvain MARIE, AEC&Plant Director at Eurostep Group. “Our platform provides a powerful and flexible solution for managing complex asset data and ensuring that the right information is available to the right people at the right time. With the construction and real estate industry increasingly embracing digitization and industrialization, Property PLM is well-positioned to support this transformation and deliver value to its customers.”
“Eurostep Group is committed to helping organizations across industries improve their collaboration and data management processes. With ShareAspace at the core of Property PLM, we are proud to support the AEC industry’s digital transformation by providing a comprehensive, ISO-compliant BIM and PLM solution. By digitizing and industrializing the entire lifecycle of a property with the object as the origin, we can achieve improved quality and sustainability.”
“Property PLM is an excellent example of the power and flexibility of ShareAspace, and Eurostep Group is excited to continue collaborating with innovative companies like Property PLM to support the growth and transformation of the AEC industry. With ShareAspace as the foundation, Property PLM offers a collaborative platform that is unmatched in the industry, enabling our customers to optimize their operations, reduce costs, and improve their bottom line.”