Eurostep Codex of PLM Openness (CPO) Statement
Executive Summary
Eurostep is built on the concept of openness and open product data standards. From the day the company was registered in 1994, and through all the years since, Eurostep has been active in standardization networks, engaging with policy makers, user communities and IT industry. Eurostep is more dependent on the success of standards and their industrial adoption and usability than almost any other PLM vendor and so we welcome the initiative with the Codex of PLM Openness.
ShareAspace is at its core designed using the standards specifications, so the commitment is to more than just using standards to define interfaces. Eurostep’s PLM Software is open in architecture, application, components and infrastructure. This enables integration with other enterprise and legacy systems at any phase of a product’s life cycle. Eurostep is pleased to participate in the Codex of PLM Openness. The product included in the CPO statement is ShareAspace. Eurostep has fulfilled compliance with each CPO statement as described in the Basic Understanding of Openness and Associated Requirements, Version 1.1, 12.02.2020.