Share-A-space running on SQL Server 2012
Eurostep announce that Share-A-space now runs on Microsoft SQL Server 2012 in addition to SQL Server 2008. "After a short test period we are pleased to formally announce this support", ...
Registration for PDT Europe 2012 open
The best PDT Europe agenda ever? Possibly - make sure you attend the high quality event! Make your registration today to learn, contribute and network with colleagues. Review the agenda ...
Eurostep receives contract from Kongsberg Protech Systems for Share-A-space as platform for Business Collaboration
Eurostep has been contracted to provide Share-A-space® and implementation services to Kongsberg Protech Systems (KPS). The initial project is targeting Configuration Management using Share-A-space® with additional projects including Share-A-space® based ...
Share-A-space 7.3 released
PRESS INFORMATION April 19, 2012 For immediate publication. Eurostep Announces Share-A-space® 7.3 with new security features Share-A-space® 7.3 features detailed access to the information in Share-A-space® with an enhanced access ...
Eurostep contracted by TVO in Finland
Eurostep has received a contract from TVO (Teollisuuden Voima). In this project Eurostep Finland will assist TVO to define requirements management, validation & verification processes and related methodologies. Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) ...
Share-A-space Roadshow Spring 2012
Eurostep is pleased to announce five events across Europe where Share-A-space will be presented including business benefits, ease of use and new security features. Share-A-space road map will also be discussed. On the ...
PLCS implementation made easier by UK MOD sponsored project
PLCS is gaining momentum as the preferred standard for the exchange and sharing of PLM data covering the complete life cycle of products from requirements to the in-service phase. Eurostep ...
Volvo successfully migrated to Share-A-space 7 with Microsoft SQL Server
The Share-A-space installation at Volvo is now running on the latest Share-A-space architecture. This includes the change from Oracle database to Microsoft SQL Server. Share-A-space has been in operation 24/7 ...
PDT Europe 2012 Call for Abstracts Open
PDT Europe 2012 September 25-26 The Hague Theme: Implementing STEP, PLCS and AP233 - Why, when and how The interest in standards-based PLM/CM keeps on growing and so is the ...