Implementing PLM Collaboration using a hub
In today’s globalised and digitalised society, efficient information sharing is crucial for most organisations to run efficiently. This holds regardless if the company is offering solutions or services. At the same time, social media services like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Snapchat have rewritten the rules of social interaction for the younger generation, turning sharing personal information with friends and family into second nature. These services were made with pictures of cats, meals, and loved ones in mind, but what if there was a similar service, specifically tailor-made for the sharing of company data? Things like product definitions, the requirements for a specific market, and the information required to create a product are usually highly sensitive and classified but must still be shared in today’s business.
So, given the fact that the information should flow, regardless of how large or small companies are, the question we should be asking ourselves is not if we can avoid sharing, but how we can share with confidence. For instance, how can a company with several global production centres make sure that the correct and updated information reaches the team on the other side of the world? How can you share information with a supplier without exposing critical systems and classified information unrelated to that project? And at the same time ensuring that only the intended people in given roles gain access to this critical and valuable information.
For the last 20+ years, Eurostep has been delivering solutions to these issues. The solutions are based on a secure and neutral hub where one can easily collaborate with partners, suppliers, and customers. Below are the top five reasons why this is…
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